LifeTrack High School, WA
Class of 20XX
1. What area(s) do you plan to pursue immediately after high school? (Mark all that apply)
American Indian/ Alaska Native
Native Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander
4. Were school counselors helpful in the selection of a path to follow after graduation?
5. Did school make learning exciting and encourage you to continue your education?
6. Were enough elective classes offered for you to explore different career opportunities?
7. Do you think you will be able to easily find a job that can support you?
8. Did you ever experience significant harassment from other students?
9. Did you have a positive learning experience at LifeTrack High School?
Using the traditional grading style ("A" = Excellent, "B" = Good, "C" = Average, "D" = Below Average, "F" = Needs Improvement, and "N/A" = Not Applicable), please rate the following:
10. LifeTrack High School provided a safe learning environment.
11. LifeTrack High School maintained a drug-free environment.
12. LifeTrack High School provided a strong foundation in the use of technology.
13. Teachers generally held high standards and demanded quality work.
14. My teachers were knowledgeable about the curriculum being taught.
15. Students and parents were regularly notified concerning academic progress.
16. I was challenged to experience academic growth each year.
17. Rules were enforced consistently and fairly.
18. Rate the availability of technology in the classroom.
19. How well prepared do you feel for the transition from school to life after high school?
20. How well did LHS prepare you for the job search process (applications, interviewing, and employer follow-up)?
21. Rate the atmosphere at after-school activities and programs.
22. Rate the quality and content of guest speakers.
23. To what degree do you feel your classes at LHS were relevant to the real world?
24. Rate the school's security procedures.
25. Overall, how would you rate LifeTrack High School as a learning environment?